The Challenge of Odd Time Signatures

As a guitar player, one of the most thrilling challenges you can set for yourself is to master the art of shredding in odd time signatures. The technicalities and intricacies of playing in these unusual rhythms can push your abilities to the limit, and the results can be truly awe-inspiring. This can be heard in all its glory in the incredible playing of modern progressive shred masters. But what exactly are odd time signatures, and why are they so challenging for shred guitarists?


odd time signatures for shred guitar


What Are Odd Time Signatures?

In music, a time signature is a symbol written at the beginning of a piece of sheet music that indicates the number of beats in a measure and the type of note that gets the beat. The most common time signature is 4/4, which means there are four beats in a measure and a quarter note gets the beat. However, some pieces of music are written in time signatures that are not divisible by two, such as 5/4, 7/4, or 11/4. These time signatures are known as “odd” time signatures, and they can be incredibly challenging for musicians to play.


The Difficulty of Shredding in Odd Time Signatures

Shred guitar, a subgenre of heavy metal, is characterized by fast, highly technical guitar solos that often incorporate techniques such as alternate picking, sweep picking and two hand tapping. These techniques are difficult enough on their own, but when combined with the complexities of odd time signatures, they can be downright mind-boggling.

One of the biggest challenges of shredding in odd time signatures is keeping a steady tempo. Unlike in 4/4 time, where the beat is divided evenly into four equal parts, the beats in odd time signatures are divided in a way that can feel jarring and disorienting. This can make it difficult to maintain a consistent tempo and can lead to mistakes.

Another challenge is the difficulty of coordinating techniques like sweep picking and two hand tapping with the uneven rhythms of odd time signatures. These techniques rely on precise timing and muscle memory, and when the timing is thrown off, it can be incredibly frustrating to try and make them work.

odd time signatures shred guitar
Shredding in 11/8 time

Overcoming the Challenges of Odd Time Signatures

So, how can a shred guitarist rise to the challenge of odd time signatures? One of the most important tools is a metronome. It is important to use a metronome when practicing to keep a steady tempo, and to gradually increase the tempo as you become more comfortable with the rhythm.

Another crucial aspect is to focus on economy picking which allows the player to play faster in odd time signatures. Alternate picking is obviously also important to master as it is a fundamental technique for shred guitar.




An excellent video by BERNTH on how to write in odd time signatures for shred style




Exploring the limits of shred guitar with odd time signatures is not for the faint of heart, but for those who are willing to put in the time and effort, the rewards can be truly breathtaking. With a metronome, a focus on techniques such as economy picking, outside picking and alternate picking, and a lot of patience and practice, you can master the art of shredding in odd time signatures. And when you do, you’ll be able to create music that is both mind blowing and truly unique.


Shred on!

-Anton Anton


The future of guitar is Progressive Shred

progressive shred extended range guitar
How many strings do you need?

Hello fellow guitar aficionado! If you’re reading this, chances are you’re interested in taking your shredding skills to the next level. Well, I’ve got some good news for you: the future of shred guitar is looking pretty darn progressive.

If you’re thinking “Progressive shred? Isn’t that like a newfangled hybrid of jazz fusion and funk metal?” Fear not, dear reader. Progressive shred simply refers to the incorporation of more complex and diverse techniques into your playing style. It’s all about pushing the boundaries of traditional shred and taking your guitar skills to new heights.


Progressive Shred Techniques

So, how do you master the art of progressive shred? First and foremost, it’s important to have a solid foundation in traditional shred techniques. This means mastering alternate picking, outside picking, legato, and sweep picking, as well as being able to play fast and clean. Once you’ve got those down, it’s time to branch out and explore new techniques.


Odd (and strange) Time Signatures

One way to do this is by incorporating unconventional time signatures into your playing. Gone are the days of 4/4 and 6/8 – progressive shredders are all about playing in odd meters like 7/8 and 9/8. This not only adds a level of technical difficulty to your playing, but it also helps to keep your audience on their toes.

Odd (and extended range) Guitars

Another key component of progressive shred is the use of extended range guitars. These beasts of the guitar world feature extra strings (up to 8 or 9!) and extended fretboards, allowing for the creation of even more intricate and varied melodies. If you’re feeling especially daring, you can even try your hand at playing in different tunings – just be prepared for a lot of re-stringing.


FX Pedals

Of course, no discussion of progressive shred would be complete without mentioning the use of effects pedals. These nifty little devices can completely transform the sound of your guitar, allowing you to create all sorts of bizarre and otherworldly noises. Experiment with different combinations of pedals to find the perfect sound for your progressive shred masterpiece.

So there you have it – a brief overview of the exciting world of progressive shred. Remember, the key to mastering this style is a combination of technical proficiency and a willingness to experiment. So go forth and shred, my friends! May your guitar skills be ever progressive.

Shred on!
